I’ve fucked up, I’ve failed hard and I’m not perfect. And this notion became glaringly clear to me whilst planning to move across the pond sell myself as a designer and art director. Bringing together videographers, photographers, makeup artists and local fashion brands across Melbourne to produce a series of images that originally started out as a bunch of portfolio headshots, very quickly snowballed into a large campaign production. Enter; Pantone Carla - 02-071995; The official colour of Carla - isms. Produces a subtly disturbing dance routine using arms only, known to eat day-old burgers, great for fairy cosplay and a force to be reckoned with. Focusing on small portions of my design afflictions; color, conceptual thinking and branding; This is Where Carla Comes From.
Art Direction and Set Design: Carla Young
Photographer: Nicola Bernadi
Photography Assistant: Darren Keane
Video Production: Andrew Hardy
Makeup: Emma Neil